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Discussion Guides

I Am the Bread of Life

A Study of John | John 6:32-0

March 20-26, 2022

When you go to the bakery, what draws your attention? Do you like the loaves of fresh sourdough and whole wheat, or do you head straight to the sweet breads and pastries? What is it about fresh baked goods that is so appealing?

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Re-Commit (Parable of the Talents)

Foundations | Matthew 25:14-30

March 13-19, 2022

If you were going away for a long time, who would you put in charge of your things? Why would you choose that person? What would you expect them to do while you were gone? What would be the first thing you would check when you got back home?

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Reconstructing Your Faith | Matthew 11:28-30

March 13-19, 2022

Jesus provides two commands in this passage: Take my yoke, and learn from me.

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Gather and Learn

| Acts 2:42-47

Tell us about a time you experienced a relationship with someone that made you a better version of yourself? What about a time you have experienced loneliness or isolation?

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The Church

Reconstructing Your Faith | Ephesians 3:7-13

March 6-12, 2022

Have you ever left a job, club, or other organization under less than ideal circumstances? What was that like for you? If you are comfortable, share about that experience with the group. 

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Worship Together

Grow Together | Romans 12:1-2

When you think of the word "worship," what comes to mind? Why?

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Parable of the Mustard Seed

Foundations | Matthew 13:31-32

March 6-12, 2022

 Read Mark 1:14-20. How would you describe the launch of kingdom of God from this passage?

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Making Disciples

Grow Together | Matthew 28:18-20

This passage begins and ends with Jesus declaring His authority and His presence in believers' lives. How does Jesus have authority in your life and how is He present?

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