Disaster Relief Update—May/June 2024

To learn ways to help those affected by the Benton County Storms or to seek help, click here.

Foster and Adopt

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress… James 1:27 NIV

We are passionate about the role foster care and adoption plays in showing the love of Jesus to the world. We are not all called to foster or adopt, but we are all called to do something! From freezer meals to babysitting, there is something we can all do for children from hard places and their families. Fellowship desires to support families who are fostering or have adopted children in a variety of ways as these families answer the call to serve. We have partnered with The CALL of NWA to provide facilities for training and conferences to help families learn how to love these children well. We provide service opportunities for community groups as well as other types of support for families who are fostering or have adopted.

The work God is doing on behalf of children from hard places needs to be continually covered in prayer. Specifically pray for children in foster care, their families, foster and adoptive families, and all of the partners serving these families including The CALL, CASA, and DCFS.

Ways to serve


The CALL is mobilizing the church in Arkansas to love foster children with the extravagant love of Christ, by equipping the Body of Christ to care for foster children through foster care, adoption, support ministries, and giving. When there are not enough foster homes in a county, a child coming into foster care will be sent to another county with an available foster home. A sibling group may be split up if a home that will take all of them can’t be located and may end up in different counties. Not only was the child removed from a home situation, but now everything else changes too: new school, friends, and all the familiar landmarks are gone. And the distance can make healing and reunification all that much harder.

The CALL’s vision is to have more than enough foster homes available, so that when a child or sibling group needs foster care, the best home for that child or children can be found in their community.

Learn More

Royal Family Kids Camp

We serve children in foster care ages 7-11 at a one week overnight summer camp in Bella Vista. We are looking for volunteers who will give of their time to make an eternal difference. 

About Camp

Respite Care

Consider opening your home to care for children during short breaks or provide respite care for foster and adoptive families. For more information, attend the next quarterly info meeting at Fellowship’s Rogers Campus. 

Attend a Meeting

Are you a current, former or prospective foster or adoptive family in need of encouragement or support? Join us for this monthly time of connection to be heard, loved on and prayed over. Contact Susan Thomas for more information.

Would you like to help provide meals or plan a collection drive (diapers, backpacks, etc.) for foster and adoptive families? Do you have other ideas for ways to support families answering the call to serve these children?
Contact Sylvia Chesser for more information.
Contact Susan Thomas
Contact Bree Bramall
Contact Sylvia Chesser