Disaster Relief Update—May/June 2024

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Spectra Arts

Spectra is a community of adult NWA Christian Artists - photographers, painters, graphic designers, and writers of prose and poetry—all with the same goals. We seek to fellowship with like-minded artisans to collaborate and create art as a way to praise, inspire and foster spiritual growth. Spectra also hosts themed gallery exhibits regularly with the hope of inspiring the viewer toward deeper reflection on scripture. Below is the art displayed at all three campuses reflecting the current teaching series. For more information or to purchase art listed below, contact:

Fellowship Rogers


Annie Winkler | Not for sale

Original Gouache

As I read Mark 5:21-34, the scene unfolded, and I sketched a little at a time. In trying to capture what transpired in the Scriptures, I read and prayerfully reflected on how to share the two miracles. I painted Jesus walking in the village of Capernaum with three of His disciples.

See Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue desperately lead Jesus to his home to heal his dying daughter. Jairus was bold and unashamed to ask for help, unlike many Jewish leaders who were threatened by Jesus’ teachings. Jairus trusted Jesus, and he loved his daughter so much that he begged Jesus to come to his home to heal her.

Jesus was delayed by an outcast woman who touched His garment. He knew her touch was a touch of bold faith. This woman doesn’t think someone others cast aside and regard as unclean could ask Jesus for help, yet she knows He has the power to heal her. By simply touching His garment, she was physically healed of her hemorrhaging. Jesus did more than heal her physical ailment. He called her beloved daughter and restored her in body, mind, and soul.

It took immense courage for the woman to come forward and tell her story, yet she did so, and Jesus saw her as a woman of faith. In the painting, we also see a Jairus’ wife weeping on the steps. The tears turn to joy as Jesus heals and resuscitates her young daughter.

Jesus, the Holy One, the Healer, is generous and always merciful. While viewing this scene which is painted on wood, reflect on the beautiful Scripture:

For she thought to herself, if I can touch his garment, I shall be healed. Mark 5:28

Jesus said to Jairus, “Do not fear, only BELIEVE.” Mark 5:36

Believe, reach out, touch Jesus in faith, and let him bring healing to you, restore you, and welcome you lovingly into His family.


Rita Wiley | $250.00

Oil over Acrylic

“Have faith in God,” Jesus answered. 23 “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. 24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11: 22-24

I have always found it much easier to believe verse 24 than verse 23. It's easier for me to believe that if I ask God for something, He will do it, than to believe that if I say so that it will happen. It finally dawned on me why that is so. When I see the mountain, I think I am more in awe of the mountain than I am of the God who made the mountain. Just putting it out there. On the other hand, when I ask God to do something, my focus is squarely on Him. And in my mind, the responsibility shifts over to Him. I'm really glad He gave us options. Now that I understand a little more about where I’m missing it, maybe verse 23 will start becoming as real to me as verse 24. Then I can reap the benefits of all Jesus had to say on the matter.


Craig Ford | Not for sale

Mixed Media (acrylic paint, white charcoal, gold leaf, thread, marker, and colored pencil on 16"x20" pastel paper and cardstock)

Mark 10:35-45

Dedicated to caregivers everywhere who provide Christ's comfort, hope, and love to the disabled and infirmed.

In 2018, my dad suffered a massive stroke that left him in a disabled state. This catastrophic event thrust my mom into the role of his primary caregiver and me, the supporting caregiver. After many months of rehab, my mom and dad moved into my house in the spring of 2019. For over four years, my mom, my older sister, and I lovingly took care of my dad until he passed into eternity with Christ in the spring of 2023. In his final days, he rested in a hospital bed in my living room under hospice care, and my mom, my sister, and I often held his hand as we spoke to him and prayed over him. This artwork, At His Right Hand, captures those intimate moments of my family. 

When I was invited to create a work that illustrates a passage in the book of Mark, I was drawn (pun intended) to Mark 10:35-45. In this passage, James and John asked Jesus to allow them to sit to His right and left in glory. After declining their request, Jesus used the opportunity to teach His grumbling disciples about service. Upon reading the passage, I chuckled to myself and thought, "How can James or John possibly sit next to Jesus when He was obviously sitting next to my dad in my living room during my dad's last days many months ago?" I say this because Jesus used my family as vessels of His comfort, hope, and love as we held my dad's hand. And ultimately as a result of the four-year-plus experience, He taught me so much about service. 

At His Right Hand was created to not only share Christ's glory and story in my family's life, but it was also created to exhort and encourage anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation. If this applies to you, please know that Jesus is working through you as His comfort, hope, and love flow into your loved ones as you humbly serve them. My prayer is that you find comfort and strength as you view this work. And maybe, just maybe, some of His comfort, hope, and love will flow from this work into your heart as well. 



-The juxtaposition between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional components: (1) the difference between the Creator and the created and (2) the difference between the physical and spiritual worlds 

-Blue, silver, and black background: my dad loved the Dallas Cowboys so the dark background is made up of the team's official colors; the door symbolizes both the actual position of my dad to our front door and the passage into eternity with Christ; also, the colors contrast with the glowing colors of the gold leaf and colored pencil to further emphasize the divide between the two worlds mentioned above

-The geometric shapes: the middle ground is made up of geometric shapes that combine to make the impression of a person (in broken pieces) lying in a hospital bed and their right hand being held by the two hands of their caregiver; this is symbolic of both my family and the families who have faced similar situations as us

-The glowing hands: a visual interpretation of Christ & His Spirit indwelling the believer and caregiver; the hands and arms themselves contain various symbols for God (seven stars, the Word of God, the lion and the lamb, the Trinity, alpha and omega, a dove, and the crown of thorns)

-The gold thread: a representation of the bond between the believer and Christ/Spirit; there are 77 stitches that match the age of my dad when he passed away (and my mom did the stitching!); also, thread implies clothing, and Paul instructs us to "clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ" in Romans 13:14

-The gold circles: the light of Christ manifests itself as gold leaf circles that remind me of halos found in Byzantine art and since I'm a comic book enthusiast, of energy in the form of "the Kirby Crackle"

-The flowing, gold leaf fire: the comfort, hope, and love of Christ flows from the caregiver into the arm of the infirmed; the speckles of gold leaf throughout the composition represent the divine attributes of God found in creation (Romans 1)


Andrea Darby | $1,000.00

(Artist commission will go towards Guatemala mission trip)

Acrylic/Mixed Media

Canvas: 50”x50”x1” wooden canvas

Inspiration verses:  Mark 11:12-26 

Mark uses the cursing of the barren fig tree to comment on the story of the Jewish temple: Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Jerusalem when Jesus cursed a fig tree because it bears no fruit.  By cursing the tree: Jesus is saying, don't be like the fruitless fig tree or like fruitless Israel with their dead religion. You should place your faith in God and through me you will move mountains, you will be able to forgive others, whatever you ask in faith, you will have. 

God the Son, has authority over His creation and the sovereign right to do with it what He wills. Jesus, therefore, can curse the fig tree if He chooses. Jesus can expect fruit even when it is not fig season. (Most fig trees will need at least 3 to 6 years before they grow to maturity and start producing fruit that ripens.  It can take figs up to two months from fruit formation to reach optimal ripeness.)

The empty fig tree symbolizes the deadness of Israel's worship. We have a hunger for true worship, but a dead tree doesn't bear fruit. So, God gave us Jesus because we needed another tree from which to eat. 

By a show of leaves, the tree was like many people, pretending to have fruit which was not there. It was like the Pharisees who professed to be very religious, but whose lives were fruitless. 

This parable is meant to teach us a vital truth. Repentance is necessary, and it is possible with God's help. He is patient and grants us time to change and bear fruit. Yet at the same time, none of us knows how much time we have left—so we'd better get moving!


Within artwork: 

-17 of the main titles for the name of “Jesus” that were used throughout the book of Mark are layered throughout: Christ, Messiah, Son of God, Son of Most High God, My Son, The Beloved, Holy One of God, Holy One of Man, Teacher, Rabbi, Prophet, Lord, Son of David, King of Jews, Son of Mary, Carpenter, Master, Sir. 

-Actual fig seeds from Israel mixed within my paint are in the open fig to display although the seeds alone are tiny but there are many of them in each fig. Just like each one of us in the church body, God can use every single one of us to spread His Word and His message.

 -The fig stems are made of wire to symbolize the tree branches alone are hard and useless without ripe fruit attached.  

 -The 3 ripe figs are on the plate to share with others just as we are to share the gospel word of God with others and not just one fig to keep for ourselves.  

 -The one single fig cut open is to symbolize us.  If we are filled with the spirit, we are full of fig seeds made to go and share the gospel to everyone, everywhere.  

 -14 metal dots going down vertically represent Jesus as the top golden one followed by the 12 disciples, and the last at the bottom with a square around it represents each one of us following after Jesus going out into the world, making disciples of all men. 

 -The two rows of nine dots going horizontally represent Mark 9:2 In this passage God affirms Jesus as his Son, confirming his deity, and telling the disciples to listen to him with the story of the Transfiguration.


Shannon Swope | $175.00

Fused Glass/Driftwood

Inspired by Mark 6:30-44 (Jesus feeds 5000)

-The fish are a literal interpretation of the fish multiplied.  Some believe they were a small tilapia.  

-The bread (5 pieces), imagined here as torn bits of 5 loaves shared.  

-The green sheet of glass has weaving of glass to represent the basket the boy presented to Jesus, with the 2 fish and 5 loaves.

-There are 5000 (ish) pieces of clear glass over the top of the green, to represent the 5000 that were fed. While those pieces are not obvious, the glass is slightly distorted.  

-The green sheet of glass represents a layer of unbelief.  A belief that God can perform miracles, and that He will.  However, sometimes we find ourselves stuck between faith and the miracle.  The unbelief is not so big that you can’t see the promise of a miracle.

I hope that this art reminds you to believe in the miracle.  


Sara R. Davis | Not for sale

Watercolor/Prints available for order*

As you read through the book of Mark, you read over and over of people bound by sickness, disease, and demons. But when Jesus entered the picture, chains were broken.

It doesn't matter what chains may bind you: sickness, depression, spiritual bondage; run to Jesus and call out to Him. He is the Chain Breaker! 

*To order prints: [email protected]


Janine Emrick | Not for sale

Acrylic on Canvas

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.  Mark 11:25

This piece speaks to a lifetime of praying and forgiving. 


Casey Siegel | Not for sale

Acrylic | 60" x 24

Gallery Wrapped Canvas (Recycled)

When the sixth hour (noon) came, darkness covered the whole land until the ninth hour (3:00 p.m.). And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?”—which is translated, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”  Mark 15:33-34 AMP

If the greatest blessing can be found in Numbers 6:24-26, then this moment for Christ would have been the most terrible.  The Father turned His face away from the Son. 

All the sins of His children were upon Christ. Our Savior did this so the Father would never turn His face away from us ever again. An exchange of our sins for His righteousness, the atonement needed to satisfy God's law without negating His holiness. 

Because of Christ's completed work on the cross, we can rest in Him to secure our Salvation with the Father, to reconcile what we broke in our sin.  Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world... No more guilt. No more shame. Abounding grace to cover our every sin and the assurance of resurrection to eternal life for those who place their faith in the Messiah. 

Come. Be forgiven. Turn from your sin. Trust that Jesus Christ lived the righteous life we could not and atoned for all our sins so we could be made right before the Most High. We've been redeemed! Salvation has come.

This is Truth. This is the Way. This was the Light moving into the darkness to complete the hope of salvation to repair our separation from God. 


Christa Harrison | $70.00


“After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.”  Mark 16:19

When I heard about this as a kid, I wasn’t envisioning much besides Jesus casually floating into the sky! I really thought about it when doing this drawing and that doesn’t seem likely to me. I picture a grand ascension to heaven with beautiful clouds and a ring of light surrounding Jesus’ body. I don’t think any kind of ascension to Heaven would be boring in the slightest. I think it would be one of the most incredible things anyone could ever witness.


Rebecca McChristian | $200.00 | SOLD

Reverse Acrylic on Plexiglass

Mark Chapter 1:9-11

Mark begins by stating that he is writing about the good news -or Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. He then proceeds to tell us why he believes these facts are true. That John the Baptist is the one prophesied to proceed Jesus and who points to Him as the Messiah.

Mark then gives us the account of Jesus’ baptism. In this account we witness the presence of the three persons of the Trinity. This is obviously a significant occurrence, and I chose to portray the moment Jesus came up from the water and what He might have seen. The piece is meant to be viewed from a low vantage point looking up.

When Jesus was coming out of the water He was anointed by the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove. A white dove a “Yonah” dove; the type of dove thought to have brought the twig to Noah after the flood. It is considered a symbol of peace and love.

Jesus also saw heaven open. Matthew Henry, my favorite Bible commentator, says Jesus may have been given a heavenly view of the glory to come as encouragement for the work ahead.

The tree branch is a Sycomore fig. Once common in the Jordan Valley of Israel, it was valued more for its wood than the fruit which was eaten only by poorer people. It is this tree that Zacchaeus climbed to see Jesus and the prophet Amos farmed. This tree is known as a symbol of restoration, regeneration, and re-establishment. It will send its roots deep when high winds threaten it, and when sands covered the roots it would send up new shoots to form new trees. I thought this is an appropriate symbol of both the Gospel’s power to restore our relationship with God and a symbol for Jesus Himself who at this time would be mature but just beginning His ministry. So the tree has green fruit not yet ripe.

The Gospel is the story OF Jesus- His life and sacrifice.

The Gospel is Authored BY Jesus- He was in the beginning and chose His path.

The Gospel is THRU Jesus- His sacrifice was demanded by the law and with it He ushered in the good news of repentance for forgiveness of sin through acceptance of His sacrifice.


Tim Howington | Not for sale

Mark 2:1-12

When Jesus healed the paralyzed man lowered through the roof in Mark 2, He revealed a new idea. He has the authority to forgive sin. Ah, the sweet smell of forgiveness. Physical wholeness was what the man was seeking but wholeness of his soul is what he got- forgiveness. 

Seeing their faith Jesus said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven”. Understandably this enraged the scribes as they reasoned in their hearts, “why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming; who can forgive sins, but God alone?”

Jesus realized what they were thinking about and decided to make an object lesson out of the situation. To prove that He could forgive sins, He heals the man and makes him pick up his pallet and walk!

This abstract acrylic original piece symbolizes the forgiveness that Christ provides. The black and crimson represent the sin that so easily entangles us. If you look close there are 7 shades of white that represents the complete forgiveness of our Savior. Each shade of white contains a scented oil that gives a subtle scent of spring - the smell of forgiveness.


Kristina Snow | Not for sale

Mixed Media

“But in those days, following that distress, “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ “At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. Mark 13:24-26

In Mark 6:33-34 it talks about the crowd running after Jesus and He had compassion on them because they were sheep without a shepherd so He taught them many things.

When I was a new believer, I was scared of dying and the end days. Jesus gave me comfort and taught me that it will be a joyous time for people who believe in Him. It will be the end of pain, sorrow, and suffering.

Fellowship Fayetteville


Sabrina Palomino | Not for sale

14x11 - Pastels, Colored Pencils & Metallic Acrylic Paint

"Who do you say I am?"

"And now what will you do with that?" | Mark 8:27-29

In Mark 8:27-28 Jesus asked His disciples, "Who do the people say I am?" And they replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah, and still others, one of the prophets."

The people clearly didn't know who He was. In Mark 8:29, Jesus asked His disciples a more direct question to them: "But what about you?" He asked. "Who do you say I am?..."

You see, Peter answered on point in Mark 8:29 with confidence:  "...Peter answered, 'You are the Messiah.'"

Rightly so, in his answer. And yet he and the other disciples still lacked understanding as they wrestled with what that truly meant.

In this modern age, many recognize the image of God but lack understanding of who He truly is.

Do you know Him? And can you convey who He is?

The follow-up question is:  If you know Him, "What will you do with that?"


Howard Thompson | Not for sale

digital photography

Sheep only come down from the mountain in Colorado Springs at a certain time of the year. I got to photograph them during a worship and praise gathering. They walk like sheep without a shepherd. So they keep walking, looking for the shepherd, taking comfort in each other but are still not satisfied. This leads them to deserted places, oblivious to hunger. But the bread that Jesus offers feeds more than the body, it feeds the soul.


Kate Stoner | Not for sale

 8” x 10” oil pastel on birch 

In a meditation on the hours between Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, the left panel of this diptych explores the somber darkness surrounding the burial site of Christ’s body before the stone was rolled into place, sealing the entrance of the tomb.

The Savior’s sacrifice is represented by a cold crown of thorns, juxtaposed against the right panel’s royal crown, emitting light and piercing the sunrise, as the angel rolled the stone away revealing an empty tomb.


Denise England | Not for sale

Original Poetry

When Jesus shared the Passover meal with His twelve disciples, it was already an ancient tradition, over one thousand years old! Our Christian communion draws from two key elements of the Passover seder: the matzah bread and the wine. Christ Himself infused these ancient symbols with fulfilled meaning and His new covenant.

At the beginning of the traditional Passover seder, three matzah breads (yeast-free, flat, cracker-like loaves that are quickly baked, in remembrance of Israel’s hasty flight from Egypt) are placed inside a single bag containing three compartments; this is called the “unity” or “one” bag in Hebrew.  We understand the three matzahs in one represent the Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Later, the middle matzah is removed and broken in half. One half is wrapped in a linen napkin, then hidden somewhere in the house, for the children to seek and find after the meal. The other half is broken further and the pieces are passed out to be eaten. This middle matzah is the one that Jesus took and broke, saying “Take; this is my body.” The napkin wrapped, hidden and sought piece represented His upcoming burial and resurrection. Even the matzah itself is striped and pierced (from the baking process), similar to the way the whips and spear would mark Jesus’ crucified body. 

The seder also includes four cups of wine, of which the poem includes the first three: the cups of Sanctification, Judgement/Deliverance, Redemption and Praise. The third cup, the cup of Redemption, is the first to be drunk after the meal. It recalls the lambs who were slain at the temple as sin offerings: the priests splashing the blood on the altar, before each family took their lamb home to roast for their Passover meal. Jesus, in holding up this particular cup and announcing, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many…” proclaimed Himself as the True and Perfect Lamb, the only one fit to save all people for all time from their sin! This is why we, as Christians, do not continue to offer up sacrifices, for Jesus Christ was the ultimate fulfillment. 

Stylistically, this poem is divided into four sections and uses a rhyme scheme called “sonic targeting” to emphasize a different key word each time the refrain is repeated. While not the actual words of Jesus, “Come join me at my table” is the artist’s imagined invitation He makes to each of us to enter into His communion.


Michelle Jordan | $250.00 | SOLD

20”x 8” watercolor on canvas

Like the healing witnessed by those in Jesus’ time here on earth, or the resurrection power that brought Tabitha back to life... seasonal change in spring reminds me of rebirth, redemption, and glorification when blooms burst out of seemingly dead branches.

Many Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled as Jesus walked out His life. ‘Go back and report to John what you have seen and heard. The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor’ (Luke 7:22).

God has mysteriously woven into the fabric of creation, millions of metaphors that are meant to point us to Him and spring blooms are but one!


Isaiah Maina | Not for sale

Acrylic paint and silver ink on canvas

'Restoration from Desolation,’ is categorized by several distinct sections. It seeks to take the viewer on a journey where they contemplate the passing away of the broken nature of the world, the seeming destruction of the old order, and the world’s recreation through the return of Christ.

Using bold colors to hold the viewer’s attention, I sought to draw the viewer to the vacant separation between areas of color, outlining the different sections within the scripture and forcing the viewer to stop and consider each section in context to one another. The pieces are to be viewed together, either side by side or stacked.


Michelle Jordan | $400.00

watercolor and acrylic on canvas 24” x 36”

This is my interpretation… a view from inside the tomb, after the angel of the Lord has rolled away the stone and sat down upon it (Matthew 28:2). Jesus is standing at the entrance before his linen burial wrappings have been removed (John 20:6-7). This is a view from behind Him, the moments of resurrection and transformation of Christ’s Dead Earthly body changing into his Glorious Imperishable, Powerful, Spiritual Body (1 Corinthians 42-44).


Rachel Borntrager | $250.00 | SOLD

11”x14” ink, acrylic, and pastel on raw canvas

Using a variety of soaking techniques and dozens of layers of ink, acrylic paint, and pastel, I chose to honor the moment in Mark 1 where the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit— is revealed in powerful exchange of blessing: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’ With the fluidity of paint, I chose to represent the Spirit; with golden lines, the voice of the Father; and with the raw canvas (earth grown-fibers), I chose to represent Christ incarnate.


Kerri Hoffmann | Not for sale

6”x6” acrylic and gold leaf on canvas

In Mark, Jesus chooses to reveal aspects of His deity to those around Him in different ways. He often takes an expectation that people have about the coming King, the Messiah that will save them from the broken world around them, and He flips the expectation on its head.

They are looking for a King who is coming in thunder and lightning, who will strike down their enemies with a mighty force and claim His place on the worldly throne of power. But that is not the King they got. He’s not coming in storm and peril, He’s coming on the clouds, with light and glory. Revealing Himself as the Servant King — the King who reigns in the highest places and the lowest — He’s not coming in a thunderstorm, He’s coming in the rising of the sun.


Abigail McCann | Not for sale

16"x12" acrylic painting on canvas

Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Mark 8:25

I made this piece as an act of worship, contemplating the process of healing. I love the metaphor of chaos in water, overcome by the sovereign power of God. As Jesus's ministry geographically was located in reference to the Sea of Galilee, I felt that the crowds would see His authority speak over the deep waters and be floored with wonder. When he put his hands on the blind man and recovered his sight, I wanted to capture both the healing aspect through abstraction, the healing of the soul of humanity, with the center piece, a spiritual fingerprint.

Fellowship Bentonville


Christina Gross | Not for sale

19 x 22

 Colored pencil on paper

(copies available upon request) 

Inspired by Mark 11:1-10 | The way Jesus entered Jerusalem was similar to the coronation of a king. But why a donkey? Zachariah 9:9 states, “Say to the daughter of Zion, behold your king is coming to you, gentle and riding on a donkey, even on a colt the foal of a beast of burden.” Jesus came as the King of peace. Horses symbolized majesty, power and were beasts of war, he chose a donkey, a beast of burden. 

He did not wage war with whom the people expected, Rome, but to bring peace between sinful man and a holy God by bearing our burdens as the gentle and lowly King of Peace. 


Selby McDowell | $400.00

24 x 36

 Mixed Media on Wood

Inspired by Mark 1:9-11 | This piece intertwines vibrant hues of acrylic and watercolor with the depth of oil paint and the tactile nature of twine on wood. Through the layering of textures and colors, the interplay between organic forms and geometric shapes alludes to the Holy Spirit descending like a dove as Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River.  


Liz Cox | $125.00

10 x 20

Acrylic and Collage on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Inspired by Mark 14:30 and 14:66-72 | Jesus told Peter beforehand that he would deny him three times before the rooster crowed twice…a very specific prophecy. I can only imagine the shock, horror, and deep sorrow that Peter felt when he heard the rooster crow the second time. 

I collaged the canvas with bright colored papers, then created the rooster by painting the negative space with a dark color to create the mood of the darkness just before dawn as the rooster crows. 


Evan Crawford | Not for sale

11 x 17

Original Poetry

Inspired by Mark 11:1-10 | I have long been drawn to young animals as they learn to stand, hobble, walk, and run. Fresh and new, they seem to exude excitement at the world they soon discover. Their playful innocence inspires me. Early Palm Sunday morning, 2024, while listening to the passage describing the event, I imagined myself in the scene as the owner of the young donkey chosen to carry Jesus for His Triumphal Entry. Considering that Jesus was present at creation, I imagine He saw this little awkward adolescent donkey before He ever came to earth and gave it a special purpose.  

Given that we are created imago dei (in the image of God), He saw you and me before the foundation of the world and designed us for special purposes He planned long ago. (Ephesians 2:10) May we be ever so willing to surrender ourselves daily to His divine plan. 


Evan Crawford | Not for sale

11 x 17

Original Prose

Inspired by Mark 14:1-9 | I wrote this short snapshot of a servant in the house of Simon the Leper during an imaginative writing exercise with scripture. This unseen story leapt off the pages as I placed myself in the scene, in the house at the dinner, but just out of sight of the guests. Imagining I was the servant girl, the story of her experience with this powerful and expensive product held both tragic grief and a wondering mystery that moved in all my senses. Aroma can be such a trigger of memory. I wonder if the perfume somehow reminded Jesus of the gift of myrrh given to His parents after His divine birth. 


Mason Middleton | Not for sale

8 ½ x 11 Charcoal on paper, framed

Inspired by Mark 15:37 | In my charcoal drawing piece, I aim to capture the profound moment of Jesus Christ taking his final breath, as described in Mark 15:37. This moment in the Christian faith represents the profound love behind Jesus' earthly mission, where he willingly sacrifices himself for the redemption of humanity.

Using charcoal, I evoke a sense of raw emotion and depth, emphasizing the gravity and solemnity of the scene. The contrast between light and shadow enhances the dramatic impact, symbolizing the juxtaposition of hope and despair inherent in this moment. Jesus' serene yet anguished expression invites viewers to contemplate the immense sacrifice and unconditional love embodied in his selfless act. As viewers engage with the artwork, I hope they are moved to reflect on the significance of Jesus' sacrifice and its profound message of redemption and salvation. "The Final Breath" serves as a visual meditation on the central tenets of the Christian faith. This piece Invites viewers to contemplate the transformative power of divine love and grace of our King.