
Helping families own the spiritual development of the next generation!

We want to help families own the Spiritual Development of the next generation. Scripture teaches us that parents are the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children (Deuteronomy 6:7). Our hope is to partner with parents in their pursuit of this mission by coming alongside them in the discipleship process. We do this by making a safe and engaging environment where kids can worship through song, hear the story of the Gospel, and learn alongside friends in small groups. Each weekend, we get to help kids see the wonder of God and how each part of His story points us to Jesus. 

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At FayetteKids, we want to see families begin to love Jesus more (Luke 10:27Matthew 10:38-39)! We do this by making FayetteKids a safe and engaging environment where kids can worship through song, hear God’s story from the Bible, and discuss those stories with friends in small groups. Each Sunday, we get to help kids, birth-6th grade, see the wonder of God and how each part of His story points us to Jesus.

Birth-Pre-K | In FayetteKids Early Childhood, we desire to teach your children three basic truths: God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. We sing, teach, and explore God’s story through interactive activities each week. Our hope is that we will be able to reinforce the truths you are teaching your kids at home.
At Fellowship Kids Early Childhood (8:45am & 10:30am) we desire for children to start their spiritual journey in a safe and loving environment. We want to partner with parents as they lead their kids into a relationship with Jesus. We use a curriculum that teaches three basic truths for our preschool kids. They are: God made me, God loves me and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. We do this through a hands-on and active approach to learning as we sing, do crafts, learn sign language and play games that all point back to our story of the week.
Our elementary services (8:45am & 10:30am) are structured with our Celebration/Cell style of church in mind. The first half of each service your child will experience a large group gathering (Celebration) with live worship and teaching. Then your student will meet in a small group (Cell) with other students their grade and gender and discuss the Bible story from the day with their adult and high school student leaders. 

Family Center: 1st Floor & Preschool Center

We want children leaving our ministry to know three basic truths: God made me, God loves me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Engaging activities, worship, and crafts all point to the bible story of the week. Families can partner with us by downloading the Parent Cue App. (See “Curriculum” below)

Family Center: 2nd Floor

We provide a safe and fun space for kids to grow in their relationship with God and with others. Our large group time includes live worship and the teaching of God’s Word. Kids then break into small groups to dive deeper into God’s Word through interactive activities and discussions. Families can partner with us by downloading the Parent Cue App

Early Childhood consists of children from birth to pre-kindergarten. The curriculum is set to guide parents as they help their children learn a new story of the Bible each week. Children will hear the Bible story, sing, do crafts, learn a verse (using sign language), enjoy a snack, and other activities that will relate to the story for the week.
K-6th Grade | In FayetteKids Elementary, we pray your kids begin to understand how God’s Word can impact their everyday lives (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We pray that your kids continue to hide God’s Word in their hearts (Psalm 119:11). We also want to help your kids begin to personalize their faith. Each Sunday your kids will worship God by learning truth from God’s Word, singing together, and applying the Bible to their everyday lives with friends. We also provide opportunities to engage with our family of faith outside of Sunday mornings with various retreats and events.

Elementary ministry consists of children from kindergarten to sixth grade. Each ministry incorporates a large group and small group experience. Large group provides worship and age-appropriate teaching. Small groups gather kids who are the same age from the same town and are led by volunteers that help kids feel known, loved and pointed to Jesus.



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Child Dedication

Parent/Child Dedication is for you to mark the moment where you commit to raise your child in the instruction and knowledge of the Lord and as the church, we make the commitment to walk alongside you in prayer, encouragement, truth, resources, and love. For more information, contact [email protected].

Parent/Child Dedication Form


Baptism is an exciting time in the life of a family! If you have a child who wants to be baptized, please review this Baptism Handout, then contact our FayetteKids team at [email protected] or 479-878-2999.

We would love to walk through this with you.

Baptism Handout

Baby Registry

We love to celebrate new babies and adoptions. Please complete our Baby Registry so we can share in your joy. You can also select to receive information about Parent/Child Dedication by marking the box on the form.

Baby Registry Form

Discipleship Resources

Our Elementary and Early Childhood teams have put together a list of books and resources to help parents lead their children to a relationship with Jesus! 

Resources Advent

Planning to visit?

Look for a greeter in one of our children’s areas who can help you get your children checked in to our secure system and dropped off at the correct location. You can make your check-in process easier by filling out this pre-registration form online before you come.

Worship One Serve One

Learn More

Learn More

As followers of Jesus Christ, baptism is an essential step in our relationship with Him. If you have a child who wants to be baptized, contact our Fellowship Kids team at 479-659-3604 and ask to have your child meet with one of our Elementary leaders. They will help assure that your child is ready for this important step and can arrange for the baptism. To learn more about Fellowship’s stance on baptism, click here.

For more info, contact Kylee Briggs.

Parent/Child Dedication is a public expression that parents will raise their child in a godly home with the support of the church. There is a mandatory class for parents who will be participating. These dedications are held multiple times throughout the year. Announcements and registration can be found on this page for upcoming dedication dates.

For more info, contact Amy Page.

The check-in stations are in the lobby area for each ministry. You can pre-register your child here, or register your child on your first visit. Once your child has a name tag and you get their pickup receipt, you will receive an attendance sticker for their small group leader. You will then be able to drop them off in their corresponding small group room. After the service, you’ll need to present your child’s pickup receipt to their small group leader to check your child out.

Building Map

We do not serve food/snacks during services or in children’s classes.

Each volunteer ages 13-adult must go through our volunteer screening process which consists of an in-person interview, background screening, and reference checks.